Siswa berkewajiban ;
1. Hadir sesuai jadwal belajar yang sudah ditetepkan.
2. Berpakaian bersih, rapi dan sopan.
3. Memakir dan mengunci kendaraan yang dibawa ditempat yang disediakan.
4. Menjaga barang-barang miliknya, seperti; tas, buku, alat tulis dsb.
5. Segala kerusakan dan kehilangan tidak ada penggantian dari lembaga.
6. Melunai biaya kursus sebelum belajar.
7. Memiliki set hand book + cassette sesuai levelnya.
8. Menggunakan handbook miliki sendiri sewaktu belajar di kelas.
9. Mengisi daftar kehadiran dengan membubuhkan tanda tangan / paraf .
10. Mengikuti pelajaran sesuai dengan program dan system yang berlaku.
11. Menjaga kebersihan, ketenangan dan ketertiban bersama.
12. Menghargai teman, berlaku sopan dan menghormati guru.
13. Mengikuti kenaikan tingkat atau Achievement Test pada akhir periode.
14. Mengikui kegiatan ekstra yang diselenggarakan sebagai forum rekreasi dan berkreasi.
15. Member tahu staf administrasi apabila ijin tidak dapat hadir mengikuti pelajaran.
16. Mengisi formulir pengunduruan diri apabila tidak melanjutkan belajar / keluar.
Siswa dilarang;
1. Merokok, makan, dan minum termasuk makan permen karet di dalam kelas.
2. Membawa barang-barang / mainan yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan pelajaran.
3. Keluar masuk kelas sewaktu belajar tanpa seijin guru.
4. Merusak, mencoret-coret atau megotori fasilitas belajar yang ada
5. Mengaktifkan Hand Phone (HP) selama proses belajar berlangsung.
6. Mengganggu atau bertengkar dengan teman.
Senin, 31 Maret 2014
Minggu, 30 Maret 2014
Present Tense For Private Class
Present Tense
This activity is showed for something you do every day or regularly. There are two kinds of Present Tense. They are Verbal and Nominal. 1.Nominal Form
S + to be (am, is, are) + 3 Complement (noun, Adjective, Adverb)
Example :
a. S + to be + Noun = in this part to be has meaning "Adalah"
I am a student of New Concept in Joglo
You are a son of your mother
We are the leaders of ourselves
They are enemies of believers
He is a singer
She is a teacher
It is a book
b. S + to be + Adjective = in this part to be has no meaning"
I am good at English in New Concept in Joglo
You are beautiful
We are happy
They are brilliant
He is sad
She is tall
It is big
c. S + to be + Adverb = in this part to be has meaning "Berada"
I am in the New Concept in Joglo
You are here
We are inside the house
They are out of house
He is behind me
She is beside me
It is in front of you
For making Negative Sentences you just add not after "tobe" so it means "tidak or bukan". But, you have to remember that the couple of tobe do not ignore them. for example: you are not stupid, she is not a bad student, we are not in the home now.
For making Interrogative Sentences, just change the "tobe" in the first sentences, after that give the subject and the last give one of the 3 complement you want to. For example : are you happy ?, are you a student ? is she in the school ?
2. Verbal Form
(+)S + Verb 1 + O
In this positive form there is something you have to pay attention. If subject in this positive sentence are He, She or It. So the verb1 has to be added s or es at the end of the verb1.
The way for adding s or es at the end of Verb1, need, stay, buy,walk + (-s)= reads......, finish, pass, fix, go + (-es)= watches.....
III.Study, carry, fly, cry + ( y change into i + es =ies ) studies...
IV. Have becomes Has
Example :
I study English every day
You buy vegetable every day
We do our homework every night
They goes to school every morning
She wears uniform every monday
He has a good voice
it has tail in its back
for making Negative Statement,you just give do not for subject I, you, we,they. And give does not for subject He, She, it. for example : We do not like banana, She does not go to school to day.
For making Interrogative Sentences, you just change the auxiliary verb Do for subject I, you, we, they. And change the position of Auxiliary verb Does for subject He, She, It. For example : Do you study English every day?, Does she go to school every morning ?
Ok, Now do the exercises below !
Translate into English and make the positive, negative and interrogative sentences each Form (Nominal and Verbal)
Nominal Form
Aminah adalah istriku tercinta
1. (+).......
Kamu berada di kantor setiap hari
2. (+).......
Kita baik hati kepada orang miskin (poor people)
3. (+).......
Kamu seorang dokter gigi
4. (+).......
Mereka berada di luar sekolah
5. (+).......
Saya pintar dalam pelajaran Matematika (good at)
6. (+).......
Dia (lk) seorang guru
7. (+).......
Ini sebuah kunci rahasia
8. (+).......
Verbal Form
Saya beljar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
1. (+).......
Kamu bekerja di kantor setiap hari
2. (+).......
Kita mendengarkan musik setiap hari
3. (+).......
Kami sarapan pagi seiap hari (Have breakfast)
4. (+).......
Dia (lk) berdoa setiap pagi dan sore (pray)
5. (+).......
Dia (pr) menulis surat setiap minggu
6. (+).......
Saya suka kamu apa adanya (as you are)
7. (+).......
Benda ini membantumu mengerjakan tugasmu(this thing)
8. (+).......
Submit those exercises in next meeting. For the following Classes (NC Joglo and NC Kelapa Dua)
This activity is showed for something you do every day or regularly. There are two kinds of Present Tense. They are Verbal and Nominal. 1.Nominal Form
S + to be (am, is, are) + 3 Complement (noun, Adjective, Adverb)
Example :
a. S + to be + Noun = in this part to be has meaning "Adalah"
I am a student of New Concept in Joglo
You are a son of your mother
We are the leaders of ourselves
They are enemies of believers
He is a singer
She is a teacher
It is a book
b. S + to be + Adjective = in this part to be has no meaning"
I am good at English in New Concept in Joglo
You are beautiful
We are happy
They are brilliant
He is sad
She is tall
It is big
c. S + to be + Adverb = in this part to be has meaning "Berada"
I am in the New Concept in Joglo
You are here
We are inside the house
They are out of house
He is behind me
She is beside me
It is in front of you
For making Negative Sentences you just add not after "tobe" so it means "tidak or bukan". But, you have to remember that the couple of tobe do not ignore them. for example: you are not stupid, she is not a bad student, we are not in the home now.
For making Interrogative Sentences, just change the "tobe" in the first sentences, after that give the subject and the last give one of the 3 complement you want to. For example : are you happy ?, are you a student ? is she in the school ?
2. Verbal Form
(+)S + Verb 1 + O
In this positive form there is something you have to pay attention. If subject in this positive sentence are He, She or It. So the verb1 has to be added s or es at the end of the verb1.
The way for adding s or es at the end of Verb1, need, stay, buy,walk + (-s)= reads......, finish, pass, fix, go + (-es)= watches.....
III.Study, carry, fly, cry + ( y change into i + es =ies ) studies...
IV. Have becomes Has
Example :
I study English every day
You buy vegetable every day
We do our homework every night
They goes to school every morning
She wears uniform every monday
He has a good voice
it has tail in its back
for making Negative Statement,you just give do not for subject I, you, we,they. And give does not for subject He, She, it. for example : We do not like banana, She does not go to school to day.
For making Interrogative Sentences, you just change the auxiliary verb Do for subject I, you, we, they. And change the position of Auxiliary verb Does for subject He, She, It. For example : Do you study English every day?, Does she go to school every morning ?
Ok, Now do the exercises below !
Translate into English and make the positive, negative and interrogative sentences each Form (Nominal and Verbal)
Nominal Form
Aminah adalah istriku tercinta
1. (+).......
Kamu berada di kantor setiap hari
2. (+).......
Kita baik hati kepada orang miskin (poor people)
3. (+).......
Kamu seorang dokter gigi
4. (+).......
Mereka berada di luar sekolah
5. (+).......
Saya pintar dalam pelajaran Matematika (good at)
6. (+).......
Dia (lk) seorang guru
7. (+).......
Ini sebuah kunci rahasia
8. (+).......
Verbal Form
Saya beljar bahasa Inggris setiap hari
1. (+).......
Kamu bekerja di kantor setiap hari
2. (+).......
Kita mendengarkan musik setiap hari
3. (+).......
Kami sarapan pagi seiap hari (Have breakfast)
4. (+).......
Dia (lk) berdoa setiap pagi dan sore (pray)
5. (+).......
Dia (pr) menulis surat setiap minggu
6. (+).......
Saya suka kamu apa adanya (as you are)
7. (+).......
Benda ini membantumu mengerjakan tugasmu(this thing)
8. (+).......
Submit those exercises in next meeting. For the following Classes (NC Joglo and NC Kelapa Dua)
Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014
Brochur New Concept 2014
Inilah pengalaman kami. Kami cantumkan dalam brochur kecil ini.Puluhan tahun kita bekerja. Banyak orang yang merasakan keberadaan kami. Kami akan selalu berpartisipasi membangun Indonesia lewat jalur Pendidikan
Inilah kami, New Concept Wilayah 2
Inilah kami, New Concept Wilayah 2
Biaya Terjangkau
Sebenarnya biaya pendidikan di New Concept sangat terjangkau dan ekonomis.
Jika tahu saja maka langsung akan tertarik.
Jika tahu saja maka akan tercengang, bahwa kita benar-benar all out dalam memberikan memberikan layanan
Jika tahu saja maka langsung akan tertarik.
Jika tahu saja maka akan tercengang, bahwa kita benar-benar all out dalam memberikan memberikan layanan
Buku New Concept 2014
Buku adalah jendela dunia. Siapa saja yang ingin mencari tahu tentang sesuatu maka carilah di buku. Walau internet sudah ada namun tak semua orang bisa menikmati internet sepuasnya.
Maka, bukulah solusinya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa buku New Concept.
Maka, bukulah solusinya. Berikut ini adalah beberapa buku New Concept.
Kamis, 27 Maret 2014
Management Class New Concept 2014
NO | Step | Activities | Time |
1 | Praying | Praying together led by students | 2 minutes |
2 | Greeting | Teacher greets students in variety | 3 minutes | 3 | Apperception | They are talking about, attendance, signing, the passes, answering urgent student question | 5 minutes | 4 | Conveying | They are talking about, attendance, signing, the passes, answering urgent student question | 15 minutes | 5 | Drilling + material | Teacher practices the teaching procedures | 25 minutes | 6 | Evaluation | Teacher evaluates students by oral, written or games | 8 minutes | 7 | Closing & Praying | Teacher closes the class | 2 minutes |
Catatan :
Mengajar anak yaang luar biasa seperti jamel, edita. Ocha, sila rifah naswan, qebi, begitu sangat menyenangkan sebenarnya tapi kalau tidak bisa management class bisa berdampak ill feel. Seperti yang aku rasakan pada hari ini. Saya kira dengan memberikan motivasi dengan aku berbicara di depan kelas maka mereka dapat memperhatikan dan dapat termotivasi. Pendekatan ini ternyata membuat mereka semaikin boring saya mendengar 2 orang anak berkata “ah bosen”. Bagi seorang giatno, kata itu adlah kritikan yang sangat pedas yang pantang aku terima. Namun hal itulah yang aku terima. Hari ini aku mendapatkan komentar yang sangat luar biasa pedasnya. Dan itu menjadikan aku harus lebih belajar lagi cara memahami anak kecil. Hatiku sudah diaduk-aduk oleh mereka. Aku tak mau ada komentar itu lagi dan aku harus cari tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk kelanjutanya.
Solusi yang aku lakukan dan membuat mereka antusias adalah kita mendengarkan apa yang mereka minta. Dan ternyata mereka itu orang pemaaf dan saya teralu egois untuk tdak memafkan mereka dengan kata bosan itu. Diriku agak dendam tapi saya harus maklum bahwa mereka anak-anak. Aku harus memberi maaf kepada mereka. Jadikan itu menjadi kritik bagi pengajaran saya di masa mendatang.
Setelah saya mengganti materi menjadi menuliskan matching question and answer maka semua kembali antusias lagi dan mengikuti pembelajaran lagi. Hal itu membuat aku bersemangat. Dan sekarang aku mulai bersemangat untuk memberi maaf mereka karena mereka mau untuk mengerjakan apa yang aku tulis dan apa yang mereka aku suruh aku kerjakan. Sekarang aku harus mewaspadai hal yang serupa untuk pertemuan berikutnya.
Hal-hal yang tak terduga membuat aku harus mempersiapkan materi yang harus siap-siaga dan harus benar-benar pintar alam memanage kelas dengan baik.
Kelas pun usai dan mereka berteriak senang, tapi naluriku agak tidak terima karena yang aku mau mereka pingin belajar dan itu menunjukan bahwa mereka senanag untuk belajar.
Fareweel. Kita bersalaman. Tanda mereka harus pulang. Akupun menyambut kelas yang baru dan memberi aba-aba untuk berdoa. One two three go. Berdoa mulai.
Dan akupun memberi mereka review yang kemarin belum mereka kerjakan dan aku mulai menulis tulisan ini.
Rabu, 26 Maret 2014
Wilayah 2 Tangerang
NC-03 Meruya Ilir,021 585 1919
NC-09 DKI Joglo,021 584 9905
NC-10 Taman Asri , Telp: 021-730 0845
NC-14 Ciledug Apotik Nidia , Telp: 021-7345 1884
NC-17 Barata , Telp: 021-730 3388
NC-60 Nilakandi , Telp: 021-730 3417
NC-70 Maharta , Telp: 021-731 9787
NC-87 Bumi Kelapa Dua , Telp: 021-546 5742
NC-103 Dasana , Telp: 021-546 5477
NC-114 Taman Mangu , Telp: 021-9819 2276
NC-217 Binong, 021 598 1319
NC-121 Duta Bintaro , Telp: 021-7018 2662
Selasa, 25 Maret 2014
1000 High frequency wards always appear in your life
High Frequency word
1. Ability : kecakapan, keampuan, bakat, kebolehan
2. Able : dapat, bisa, mampu, sanggup
3. Aboard : di atas, di dalam, naik
4. About : kira-kira, tentang, sekitar, hampir, lebih kurang
5. Above : yang di atas, lebih tinggi dari, dari pada
6. Abroad : luar negeri, dengan luas, tersiar, tersebar
7. Absence : kemangkiran, ketidakhadiran, ketiadaan, kekerangan
8. Absent : absen, mangkir, tidak hadir
9. Absolute : mutlak, pasti, penuh, nyata sebetulnya
10. Accept : menerima, menyetujui, mengabulkan
11. Accident : kecelakaan
12. Accidental : kebetulan
13. Accidentally : dengan tidak sengaja
14. Accord : sesuai, selara
15. According to : menurut
16. Account : rekening, perhitungan, nilai, laporan, uang
17. Accurate : teliti, cermat, seksama, tepat
18. Accuse : menuduh, menyalahkan, mendakwa
19. Accustom : membiasakan, menyesuaikan
20. Ache : sakit
21. Achieve : mencapai, mendapatkan
22. Achievement : prestasi, pencapaian
23. Across : menyebrang, di seberang
24. Act : bertindak
25. Action : tindakan
26. Active : aktive, dinamis, giat, gesit
27. Actively : dengan aktif, dengan giat
28. Activity : aktivitas, kegiatan, kesibukan
29. Actor : pemain film pria
30. Actress : pemian film wanita
1. Ability : kecakapan, keampuan, bakat, kebolehan
2. Able : dapat, bisa, mampu, sanggup
3. Aboard : di atas, di dalam, naik
4. About : kira-kira, tentang, sekitar, hampir, lebih kurang
5. Above : yang di atas, lebih tinggi dari, dari pada
6. Abroad : luar negeri, dengan luas, tersiar, tersebar
7. Absence : kemangkiran, ketidakhadiran, ketiadaan, kekerangan
8. Absent : absen, mangkir, tidak hadir
9. Absolute : mutlak, pasti, penuh, nyata sebetulnya
10. Accept : menerima, menyetujui, mengabulkan
11. Accident : kecelakaan
12. Accidental : kebetulan
13. Accidentally : dengan tidak sengaja
14. Accord : sesuai, selara
15. According to : menurut
16. Account : rekening, perhitungan, nilai, laporan, uang
17. Accurate : teliti, cermat, seksama, tepat
18. Accuse : menuduh, menyalahkan, mendakwa
19. Accustom : membiasakan, menyesuaikan
20. Ache : sakit
21. Achieve : mencapai, mendapatkan
22. Achievement : prestasi, pencapaian
23. Across : menyebrang, di seberang
24. Act : bertindak
25. Action : tindakan
26. Active : aktive, dinamis, giat, gesit
27. Actively : dengan aktif, dengan giat
28. Activity : aktivitas, kegiatan, kesibukan
29. Actor : pemain film pria
30. Actress : pemian film wanita
Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014
Rabu, 19 Maret 2014
1. Young
2. Impolite
3. Honest
4. Dishonest
5. Talkative
6. Taciturn
7. Angry
8. Hungry
9. Thirsty
10. Sleepy
11. Polite
12. Interesting
13. Expensive
14. Excellent
15. Arrogant
16. Sharp
17. Cruel
18. Easy
19. Stupid
20. Crazy
21. Greedy
22. Stingy
23. Generous
24. Dirty
25. Difficult
26. Lazy
27. Impatient
28. Stubborn
29. Weird
30. Old
31. Coquette
32. Coward
33. Wicked
34. Weak
35. Funny
36. Diligent
37. Kind
38. Discipline
39. Handsome
40. Beautiful
41. Cheap
42. Brave
43. Strong
44. Fun
45. Naughty
46. Patient
47. Bad
48. Good
49. Sad
50. Happy
51. Silent
52. Shy
53. Confident
54. Smart
55. Impatient
56. Talkative
57. Indiscipline
58. Ugly
59. Tall
60. Large
61. Tidy
62. Far
63. Near
1. Young
2. Impolite
3. Honest
4. Dishonest
5. Talkative
6. Taciturn
7. Angry
8. Hungry
9. Thirsty
10. Sleepy
11. Polite
12. Interesting
13. Expensive
14. Excellent
15. Arrogant
16. Sharp
17. Cruel
18. Easy
19. Stupid
20. Crazy
21. Greedy
22. Stingy
23. Generous
24. Dirty
25. Difficult
26. Lazy
27. Impatient
28. Stubborn
29. Weird
30. Old
31. Coquette
32. Coward
33. Wicked
34. Weak
35. Funny
36. Diligent
37. Kind
38. Discipline
39. Handsome
40. Beautiful
41. Cheap
42. Brave
43. Strong
44. Fun
45. Naughty
46. Patient
47. Bad
48. Good
49. Sad
50. Happy
51. Silent
52. Shy
53. Confident
54. Smart
55. Impatient
56. Talkative
57. Indiscipline
58. Ugly
59. Tall
60. Large
61. Tidy
62. Far
63. Near
Jumat, 14 Maret 2014
Test Exercise for Elementary
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d.
1. April is …………. Month of the year.
a. the fourth b. fourth c. four d. the four
2. There ………….. …………. big university in Tangerang.
a. are/an b. is/an c. is/a d. are/a
3. How many students …………. There in your class? Two.
a. is b. are c. do d. does
4. This is ………… school ….is a cozy and nice place to study.
a. Bobby/it b. Bobby’s/it c. Bobby’s/ his d. bobby’s/him
5. Ryan and Romy ………. ………… in the bedroom now.
a. are/sleeping b. is/sleep c. are/sleep d. is/sleeping
6. What time is it? It’s 2.45 means…………..
a. a quarter to two
b. a quarter past two
c. a quarter to three
d. a quarter past three
7. ………. You go to school on Saturday? Yes.
a. are b. is c. do d. does
8. Where ………….. Your brother …….. to school?
a. is, go b. are, go c. do, goes d. does, go
9. He………….to 210 junior high school.
a. go b. goes c. going d. is go
10. The pencil case ……….. under the table yesterday, it …………. Not here now.
a. is/is b. is/was c. was/was d. was/is
11. A: Where …………. Tini and Tina last night?
B: Oh, they……… at Dony’s house.
a. was/was b. is/is c. were/were d. was/were
12. A: What’s your …………. Name?
B: Suzan.
a. sister’s b. sister c. sister is d. is sister
13. Which sentence below is correct?
a. Yesterday was my mother’s birthday.
b. There is a umbrella next to the cupboard.
c. The students is playing football on the school field.
d. My sister is go to 177 junior high school.
14. A: ……. Your mother ……….. any brothers and sisters?
B: yes, she……… three brothers and one sister.
a. does/have/have b. do/has/has c. does/have/has d. do/has/have
15. Beckham …………. a football player. In 2003 he …………… for Manchester United
a. is/playing b. is/play c. is/played d. is/is
16. A: …………. they ………….. books?
B: No.
a. is/reading b. are/read c. are/reading d. is/read
17. A: What………. Fergie usually …… in his bedroom after school?
B: He usually ……….. books.
a. does/do/reads b. does/does/read c. do/do/read d. do/does/read
18. My favorite teacher is Ms. Reny. ……… teaches English. ……….. classes are fun.
a. she/her b. she/she c. her/her d. her/she
19. We …………. in English class yesterday. And today we ……….. in Math class.
a. are/are b. were/were c.are/were d. were/are
20. Randy ….. a diligent boy. He usually ……….. his parents after school. In the
evening he always ………. before he ………. to bed.
a. is/helps/studies/go c. is/helping/study/go
b. is/help/study/go d. is/helps/studies/goes
fill in the blank
1. …………… is the eighth month of the year.
2. Shhhh, don’t be …………, please! We’re in exam.
3. Throw the rubbish into the …………..
4. We need a ……….. to make a straight line.
5. The capital city of South Korea is………..
6. My father parks the car in the………………
7. My brother’s son is my ………..
8. 1970........
9. 1917........
10. ……………. Is the capital city of Laos.
Rearrange the words into the correct sentences.
1. usually-bed-at-I-go-nine o’clock-to.
2. students-are-How-field-there-on-many-school-the?
3. What-do-brother-does-your?
……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. vegetables-even-have-buy-to-any-He-some-money-didn’t.
5. neighbour-knew-Nasreddin-had-his-rich-vegetables-of-that-a-garden
2. Make sentences about the activities in the picture below (min.5 sentences)
What are they doing?
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………...............................
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
****** GOOD LUCK ******
Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d.
1. April is …………. Month of the year.
a. the fourth b. fourth c. four d. the four
2. There ………….. …………. big university in Tangerang.
a. are/an b. is/an c. is/a d. are/a
3. How many students …………. There in your class? Two.
a. is b. are c. do d. does
4. This is ………… school ….is a cozy and nice place to study.
a. Bobby/it b. Bobby’s/it c. Bobby’s/ his d. bobby’s/him
5. Ryan and Romy ………. ………… in the bedroom now.
a. are/sleeping b. is/sleep c. are/sleep d. is/sleeping
6. What time is it? It’s 2.45 means…………..
a. a quarter to two
b. a quarter past two
c. a quarter to three
d. a quarter past three
7. ………. You go to school on Saturday? Yes.
a. are b. is c. do d. does
8. Where ………….. Your brother …….. to school?
a. is, go b. are, go c. do, goes d. does, go
9. He………….to 210 junior high school.
a. go b. goes c. going d. is go
10. The pencil case ……….. under the table yesterday, it …………. Not here now.
a. is/is b. is/was c. was/was d. was/is
11. A: Where …………. Tini and Tina last night?
B: Oh, they……… at Dony’s house.
a. was/was b. is/is c. were/were d. was/were
12. A: What’s your …………. Name?
B: Suzan.
a. sister’s b. sister c. sister is d. is sister
13. Which sentence below is correct?
a. Yesterday was my mother’s birthday.
b. There is a umbrella next to the cupboard.
c. The students is playing football on the school field.
d. My sister is go to 177 junior high school.
14. A: ……. Your mother ……….. any brothers and sisters?
B: yes, she……… three brothers and one sister.
a. does/have/have b. do/has/has c. does/have/has d. do/has/have
15. Beckham …………. a football player. In 2003 he …………… for Manchester United
a. is/playing b. is/play c. is/played d. is/is
16. A: …………. they ………….. books?
B: No.
a. is/reading b. are/read c. are/reading d. is/read
17. A: What………. Fergie usually …… in his bedroom after school?
B: He usually ……….. books.
a. does/do/reads b. does/does/read c. do/do/read d. do/does/read
18. My favorite teacher is Ms. Reny. ……… teaches English. ……….. classes are fun.
a. she/her b. she/she c. her/her d. her/she
19. We …………. in English class yesterday. And today we ……….. in Math class.
a. are/are b. were/were c.are/were d. were/are
20. Randy ….. a diligent boy. He usually ……….. his parents after school. In the
evening he always ………. before he ………. to bed.
a. is/helps/studies/go c. is/helping/study/go
b. is/help/study/go d. is/helps/studies/goes
fill in the blank
1. …………… is the eighth month of the year.
2. Shhhh, don’t be …………, please! We’re in exam.
3. Throw the rubbish into the …………..
4. We need a ……….. to make a straight line.
5. The capital city of South Korea is………..
6. My father parks the car in the………………
7. My brother’s son is my ………..
8. 1970........
9. 1917........
10. ……………. Is the capital city of Laos.
Rearrange the words into the correct sentences.
1. usually-bed-at-I-go-nine o’clock-to.
2. students-are-How-field-there-on-many-school-the?
3. What-do-brother-does-your?
……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. vegetables-even-have-buy-to-any-He-some-money-didn’t.
5. neighbour-knew-Nasreddin-had-his-rich-vegetables-of-that-a-garden
2. Make sentences about the activities in the picture below (min.5 sentences)
What are they doing?
1. ………………………………………………………………………………………...............................
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
****** GOOD LUCK ******
Kamis, 13 Maret 2014
Secarik Penelitian Kecil di Joglo
Catatan : by Giatno
Mengajar anak yaang luar biasa seperti jamel, edita. Ocha, sila rifah naswan, qebi, begitu sangat menyenangkan sebenarnya tapi kalau tidak bisa management class bisa berdampak ill feel. Seperti yang aku rasakan pada hari ini. Saya kira dengan memberikan motivasi dengan aku berbicara di depan kelas maka mereka dapat memperhatikan dan dapat termotivasi. Pendekatan ini ternyata membuat mereka semaikin boring saya mendengar 2 orang anak berkata “ah bosen”. Bagi seorang giatno, kata itu adlah kritikan yang sangat pedas yang pantang aku terima. Namun hal itulah yang aku terima. Hari ini aku mendapatkan komentar yang sangat luar biasa pedasnya. Dan itu menjadikan aku harus lebih belajar lagi cara memahami anak kecil. Hatiku sudah diaduk-aduk oleh mereka. Aku tak mau ada komentar itu lagi dan aku harus cari tahu apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk kelanjutanya.
Solusi yang aku lakukan dan membuat mereka antusias adalah kita mendengarkan apa yang mereka minta. Dan ternyata mereka itu orang pemaaf dan saya teralu egois untuk tdak memafkan mereka dengan kata bosan itu. Diriku agak dendam tapi saya harus maklum bahwa mereka anak-anak. Aku harus memberi maaf kepada mereka. Jadikan itu menjadi kritik bagi pengajaran saya di masa mendatang.
Setelah saya mengganti materi menjadi menuliskan matching question and answer maka semua kembali antusias lagi dan mengikuti pembelajaran lagi. Hal itu membuat aku bersemangat. Dan sekarang aku mulai bersemangat untuk memberi maaf mereka karena mereka mau untuk mengerjakan apa yang aku tulis dan apa yang mereka aku suruh aku kerjakan. Sekarang aku harus mewaspadai hal yang serupa untuk pertemuan berikutnya.
Hal-hal yang tak terduga membuat aku harus mempersiapkan materi yang harus siap-siaga dan harus benar-benar pintar alam memanage kelas dengan baik.
Kelas pun usai dan mereka berteriak senang, tapi naluriku agak tidak terima karena yang aku mau mereka pingin belajar dan itu menunjukan bahwa mereka senanag untuk belajar.
Fareweel. Kita bersalaman. Tanda mereka harus pulang. Akupun menyambut kelas yang baru dan memberi aba-aba untuk berdoa. One two three go. Berdoa mulai.
Dan akupun memberi mereka review yang kemarin belum mereka kerjakan dan aku mulai menulis tulisan ini (Desember 2013)
Mamaku (a poem)
Siti Nurul Fatimah
Mamahku adalah mamah
yang baik hati
Merawatku tiada henti
aku kecil sampai besar nanti
Mamahku adalah mamah
yang tak terganti
Mamahku kau sudah
mengandungku Sembilan bulan
Member asi berbulan
Mulai aku bayi sampai
bisa jalan
Mengajariku dan banyak memberiku mainan
Tangerang, 27 Februari 2014
Alamat : Arafah, H 5
SDN : PB Kelapa Dua,
Tangerang, Banten.
Umur : 9 tahun (14
Juli 2014)
By Nurul
Guru ku adalah pelita hatiku
Kau adalah penerang jalan hidupku
Kau yang selalu menambah ilmu pengetahuanku
Untuk mencapai cita-cita besarku
Guru, ku tahu marahmu adalah kasih sayang padaku
Tangerang, 6
maret 2014
Nurul is my nick nme |
4 Types of Friends: Must Friends, Trust Friends, Rust Friends & Just Friends By Gretchen Rubin
Ancient philosophers and contemporary scientists agree that one of the keys to happiness is strong relationships with other people.
We need to have intimate, enduring bonds; we need to be able to confide; we need to feel that we belong; we need to be able to get support, and just as important for happiness, to give support.
We need many kinds of relationships; for one thing, we need friends.
Now, the term “friend” is a little loose. People mock the “friending” on social media, and say, “Gosh, no one could have 300 friends!” Well, there are all kinds of friends. Those kinds of “friends,” and work friends, and childhood friends, and dear friends, and neighborhood friends, and we-walk-our-dogs-at-the-same-time friends, etc.
In Geoffrey Greif’s book Buddy System: Understanding Male Friendships, he identifies four categories of friendships:
A friend of mine did an interesting friend-related exercise. She took a big piece of paper and made a chart of her friendships, based on clusters. As she did it, she highlighted the names of the people or institutions that had introduced her to a particular cluster. What she found — and this struck me as so interesting — was that a few people had served as very important connectors. Until she made that chart, she hadn’t realized that these few individuals had made such a difference in her social life.
I keep meaning to do this exercise myself.
What do you think of the four categories: must, trust, rust, and just friends? Are there any kinds of friends that aren’t captured in those four terms?
If you want tips for making new friends, look here, and tips for maintaining friendships, look here. I write about friendship in The Happiness Project, chapter on friendship.(source :
We need to have intimate, enduring bonds; we need to be able to confide; we need to feel that we belong; we need to be able to get support, and just as important for happiness, to give support.
We need many kinds of relationships; for one thing, we need friends.
Now, the term “friend” is a little loose. People mock the “friending” on social media, and say, “Gosh, no one could have 300 friends!” Well, there are all kinds of friends. Those kinds of “friends,” and work friends, and childhood friends, and dear friends, and neighborhood friends, and we-walk-our-dogs-at-the-same-time friends, etc.
In Geoffrey Greif’s book Buddy System: Understanding Male Friendships, he identifies four categories of friendships:
- Must friend: a best friend, a member of your inner circle, a person you count on when something big happens in your life
- Trust friend: a friend who shows integrity, someone you feel comfortable with, that you’re always glad to see, but not in your inmost circle; perhaps someone you’d like to be closer to, if you had the time or opportunity
- Rust friend: a person you’ve known for a long, long time; you’re probably not going to get any closer to that person, unless something changes, but a part of your life
- Just friends: a person you see — at a weekly poker game, at your child’s school — who is enjoyable company, but you have no desire to socialize outside a specific context or to get to know that person better
A friend of mine did an interesting friend-related exercise. She took a big piece of paper and made a chart of her friendships, based on clusters. As she did it, she highlighted the names of the people or institutions that had introduced her to a particular cluster. What she found — and this struck me as so interesting — was that a few people had served as very important connectors. Until she made that chart, she hadn’t realized that these few individuals had made such a difference in her social life.
I keep meaning to do this exercise myself.
What do you think of the four categories: must, trust, rust, and just friends? Are there any kinds of friends that aren’t captured in those four terms?
If you want tips for making new friends, look here, and tips for maintaining friendships, look here. I write about friendship in The Happiness Project, chapter on friendship.(source :
Ayah engkau adalah pahlawanku
Pahlawan dalam keluarga
Engkau bekerja keras membanting tulang
Untuk mencukupi kebutuhan keluarga
Dari pagi ayah berangkat bekerja
Sore hari ayah baru tiba dirumah
Bahkan kadang malam ayah pulang
Biar ayah lelah tapi tetap senang
Walaupun terik matahari menyengat
Walaupn hujan sangat lebat
Ayah tetap berangkat untuk mencari nafkah
Demi ibu, aku dan anak-anak ayah
Terima kasih ayah
Semoga alloh selalu member kesehatan
Akan ku kenang dan kuingat jasa ayah sepanjang masa
Nama : Sri Dewi R.G
Kelas : IV C
Sekolah : SDN PA Kelapa Dua I
Alamat : Jl. Bidar XII No 32
None knows the future of our life. But, god always gives us so many answers of this life. Alloh has promised to us that he never loads something that he can't lift it. Alloh always teaches us for becoming stronger not becoming weak. When you are fasting in the Romadhon, do you think that he is weakening your self. No, never, he is training you that you become stronger and independent. Alloh always answers your praying. Alloh can't stand to listening for the slave or servant who asks for himself. Why is in this world there are some men or women have couple that are improper. One is ugly but other is handsome. As I said before that it happens because the servants who ask for that condition. So, god meets their praying. So, please beware of your praying.and dont stop for praying.
Selasa, 11 Maret 2014
New Concept of life
Some days ago, I taught a teenagers who had just graduated from his school. The first time meeting I asked him about his name, his address, his hobby, and the last was about his ambition. Do you know what his answer ? he said that he had no ambition, he had not had the purposes of life, or direction. I told him that god created this world was not without purposes. Include him himself, my self and yourself. God created us must be having some purposes. God tells us that the purpose of human is for praying. So all we do are the intention for praying of god. including your ambition. Let's take the direction, let's take the action and take purposes for being better life
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