Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


None knows the future of our life. But, god always gives us so many answers of this life. Alloh has promised to us that he never loads something that he can't lift it. Alloh always teaches us for becoming stronger not becoming weak. When you are fasting in the Romadhon, do you think that he is weakening your self. No, never, he is training you that you become stronger and independent. Alloh always answers your praying. Alloh can't stand to listening for the slave or servant who asks for himself. Why is in this world there are some men or women have couple that are  improper. One is ugly but other is handsome. As I said before that it happens because the servants who ask for that condition. So, god meets their praying. So, please beware of your praying.and dont stop for praying.

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