Kamis, 03 April 2014

Telling the time

Telling The Time
There are two ways for telling the time. They are Formal and informal.
The number for the telling the time is cardinal number. They are one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty,twenty one,twenty two,twenty three,twenty four,twenty five,twenty six,twenty seven,twenty eight,....
The times for telling the time are am and pm.
12 midnight to midnight 12 midday12 midnight to 12 midday
1. The formal way.
The formula
example: 03.00 = it is three o'clock
07.30 = it is seven thirty
08.45 = it is eight forty five
08.55 = it is eight fifty five
09.05 = it is nine five
10.34 = it is ten thirty four
11.15 = it is eleven fifteen
01.20 = it is one twenty
2.Informal form
a quarter = 15 minutes
a half = 30 minutes
o'clock = 60 minutes
Past = lewat
to = kurang, menuju
The formula
Example ;
02.30 = it is a half past two
04.15 = it is a quarter past five
09.45 = it is a quarter to ten
08.55 = it is five to nine
11.10 = it is ten past eleven

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